Thursday, March 31, 2011


As the semester comes to an end and we conclude our study of the archaeology of death and burial, I would just like to say how much I enjoyed the class! The content was very interesting and although scheduling group work was frustrating at times, it's good practice for future careers! Hopefully I will get hired on with the RCMP (they phoned last week and offered me an interview...the first of two).

I would also like to rant a little bit about the past couple of days and why I am only getting this blog finished up and submitted now (instead of yesterday). My fiancee and I bought a house and decided that the closing/moving date would be OK during the last week of school...wrong!! So instead of submitting my blog entries yesterday, I was spending the entire day moving and with disconnected internet. My initial plan was to complete the blog on Tuesday during my 3 hour break between classes. Instead, I spent that 3 hours at Best Buy trying to get my laptop fixed and my school work recovered after it crashed the night before. Apparently the hard drive might be suddenly fried even though the laptop is only 6 months old.

The good news out of all of this is that I did get my school work recovered from the laptop (phew!) and I'm a homeowner for the first time! Thank you to anyone who paid attention long enough to listen to my rant! Have a great summer everyone!

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