Thursday, March 31, 2011

Canada's War Memorial

Above: The National War Memorial

Tuesday's class on memorials gave me the idea for this blog post. Growing up in Ottawa, I have always admired the National War Memorial. I was also deeply touched when the unknown soldier became incorporated into that memorial. The tomb of the unknown soldier serves to remind us of all those that gave the ultimate sacrifice and were never recovered.

Above: The tomb of the Unknown Soldier

When I lived in Ottawa I would try my best every Remembrance Day to attend the ceremonies at the War Memorial. Thousands of others would also turn out to pay their respects and remember those that gave their lives for our freedom. I would see tears in many eyes and veterans in wheel chairs thinking back to days long past. I would often wonder what was going through their minds, what images were as vivid as the day they occurred. Did they think of the good times they had with their comrades during the war or the bad times when they lost their friends? Whatever the memories of each veteran and civilian present at the Remembrance Day Ceremonies, the War Memorial acts as a beacon to bring Canadians together.

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